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Website Design Versus Website Development

The website design and website developments are two different things such two sides of the coins, a head and a tail. However, a web design and a web develop changes with time due rapid change in trends and technologies. A web designing in Dubai includes coming with different idea either by a web designer or the client and then to incorporate into the website through different software such as Adobe photoshop.

 website design dubai versus website development dubai

Soon when a website designer of Dubai has incorporated the ideas, it completely changes the whole website from the whole appearance to how the website feels. When we talk about whole appearance, it means the colors, the layout, the images, interaction, interactivity, and others. Therefore, it is considered essential for the web designer to imaginative and creative, a web designer profession is related to every other art related field. It is also important for a web designer to have knowledge about the technicalities of developing a website, which helps the web designer to come up with some of the best designs.

Lets come on to other aspect which is web development and it is basically related to how web design gets life and becomes visible by the viewers of the world. A web developer make the design live by using different programmers and codes such as notepad, dreamweaver and etc to develop backbone of the website. The work of the web developer Dubai is basically related to non-designing aspect and which comes after the work done by a web designer. Another key thing to be considered by a web developer is usability of the website, which means how the website looks by different users like users using different browsers, as a website needs to look identical from every platform.
