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Web Development Dubai Don’t Add Too Much Pages

Web development is not an easy thing. To top it up, many developers make common mistakes that can affect the ranking of the page or the website itself.

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One of the most common mistakes any Web Development Company in Dubai make is adding meaningless pages to the website. The pages may seem helpful and may have content on them that viewers may watch, but when it comes to search engines, the pages aren’t helpful at all. In fact, the pages create a huge mess for the website. No accessibility features are implemented. That’s why the search engines cannot find the page.

When the pages are not visible to the search engine, it might affect your ranking. Also, the pages being invisible will receive less number of visitors as compared to the ones that search engine can discover.

Web Development Dubai companies should try to make these pages accessible to search engines by implementing all those features through HTML. To make them more visible, add Meta tags, and keywords and give the page a unique and attractive description. Add keywords in the description as well. Test the page before launching it. There are many tools available over the internet that can help identify the ranking and visibility of the page.

SEO is a very crucial step in the process and developers should try everything in their mean to make each page count for better ranking and visibility. Only this way can a website do great on the World Wide Web.
